
Our services

Acupuncture - initial session

During your initial appointment for acupuncture, you can expect a comprehensive and personalised experience. After discussing your medical history and specific concerns, I will carefully assess your individual needs. I will explain the treatment plan and guide you through the process. The session typically involves the gentle insertion of thin needles into specific points on your body, aiming to promote balance and restore harmony within your system.

2 hours |  £55  

Appointments available

Mon, 8am - 8pm

Fri, 8am - 8pm

Sat - 8am - 5pm

  • Discuss your health history and specific concerns

  • A treatment plan is formed for your individual needs

  • You typically receive 30 minutes of acupuncture treatment

Acupuncture - follow up session

During your follow-up treatment sessions for acupuncture, I will review your progress and adjust your treatment plan accordingly, taking into account any changes in your condition or specific needs. The follow-up sessions offer an opportunity to deepen the therapeutic effects of acupuncture, promoting further balance and harmony within your body.

1 hour |  £45  

  • Discuss your progress and any changes

  • Your treatment plan is reviewed

  • You receive acupuncture treatment

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.